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Teo Jansen
11 oct 20242 Min. de lectura
¿Por qué soy actor?
¿Por qué ser actor? La genial Heidi Dean @marketing4actors nos regaló esta pregunta para que la desarrolláramos y compartiéramos.
22 visualizaciones0 comentarios
Teo Jansen
10 mar 20212 Min. de lectura
it's time to act!
"The Clock" is a #shortfilm written and directed by Abdul Hai Baloch. It is about three roommates spending the day at home, investigating...
76 visualizaciones0 comentarios
Teo Jansen
1 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
class dismissed!
I got a brand new scene thanks to the folks of "Actua! Studio" in Barcelona, where I finished an amazing "acting in front of the camera"...
38 visualizaciones0 comentarios
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